Friday 27 May 2016

Ta Dah!!

So here he is………

Mr Papilio Alexanor

Isn't he a beauty
His mate should be out soon…she's having a Lazy-in

He is more commonly called…..Alexanor's Swallowtail

Alexanor's ????
No he's NOT….he's Mine

He's now called …..

Princess Leah's Buttie Pillar

PeeS Someone mentioned the really large pupae cases…they are Madagascan Moon Moftie's
I'm hoping to show you one of those 'cos there are GORGEOUS!!!!


  1. Finally! Papilio?? Mom says that's a Birkenstock sandal's name. BOL
    Please ignore her, she knows nuts about butter pillars.
    I wanna ask though, are they your momma's pets?


  2. What a beautiful Buttie Pillar you have Princess Leah!

  3. Wow, what a beauty with a great name.
    Kisses and hugs from your Casper.

  4. yes, now it has a beautiful name... and to be named after a princess is the greatest honor ever!

  5. Hari OM
    HOW HANDSOME!!! and moon mofties soon too??? They's beaut!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Oh my, that is one handsome buttie pillar Princess Leah. You are so lucky!

  7. OMD OMD P.L. he is a REAL Beauty. We think you should have a Buttie Pillar Wedding when SHE makes her grand entrance. THEN they could make Baby Buttie Pillars fur you. Wouldn't THAT be somethingy?

  8. this one is gorgeous, can't wait to see more.

  9. The wait was worth it! What a beautiful Buttie Pillar.

  10. Oh wow, your own buttie-pillar! How exciting!!

  11. Wow that is a purrrty butterfly
    Lily & Edward

  12. Hey P.L.!
    Wow, what a gorgeous buttie pillar! Gosh, those wings are spectacular. Can't wait to see the Moon Moftie...if it's like ours here, they are amazing too. Congrats on the hatching!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

  13. Oh Princess Leah what a beautiful buttie pillar. Do you keep them in the house in the enclosure? Mom and Dad went to an indoor buttie pillar display in Richmond, Va several years ago. Buttie pillars were everywhere. They only let a certain number of peeps in at a time and before you leave they check you over to make sure there are no stow away buttie pillars.
    hugs madi your bfff

  14. Wow! He's beautiful! Are you going to let him go? We usually don't see those kinds of butterflies until the big hydrangea bush blooms in mid summer.

  15. Wow, that is VERY special!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. Wooooow look at him! What a super handsome new friend you've got!

  17. Oh My!! He is just beautiful - or would that be handsome!! We love that you have your very own buttie pillars!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. OH MY GOODNESS! What a fabulous buttie fly! And to think you patiently cared for it and NOW IT's HERE! We are so impressed! Congratulations!

    Raining we'll cuddle up and watch the French film 'The Butterfly'.

  19. WOW! How cool is that!?!? I've never seen a Princess Leah's Buttie Pillar before! He's awesome!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  20. HOw very exciting!!! We think Princess Leah's Buttie Pllar is amazingly beautiful - truly befitting a princess.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  21. He is just gorgeous, Leah!

  22. What a beautimous buttie-pillar, Leah!!! Congratulations!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  23. Crikey Princess ... Your very own buttie pillar and sooooo pretty! Just like you, aye???

  24. OMDoggies!!!!! How FABulous PL!!!!!!! I agree, he SHOULD be renamed, just for YOU!!!! He is ALMOST as beautifuls as you....almost...
    Ruby ♥

  25. A truly beautiful butterfly for a truly beautiful princess!

  26. Ohh that's beautiful! It's amazing that you are raising these magnificent butterflies Princess Leah!

  27. Wow! It's pretty! Can you eat it?

  28. Oooh, flying food!!!!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  29. Hello, Princess Leah (and Mom, Julie) ... how lovely to meet you! We apawlogize for being so late coming by with our "thank you" but we did want to visit and thank you for coming to see us with the POTP and well wishes for my daughter, she is better and I know it all helped a great deal. It was special to "find your blog" as KCS (like you) are her fave-woofies! We couldn't help but scroll back and back and back through your bloggie to see all the cute photos! In fact, we've made a special picture for you, but could not find an email here. If you could email us (zoolatry at gmail dot com) we would love to send it to you. Hugs from Ann and all of us at Zoolatry

  30. Oh my goodness you have butterfly friends, so cool! Hope do you not have a little nibble though? We love to eat bugs, yummy!

  31. It worked! My ODD is satisfied! Woof, woof.

  32. Wow! Really beautiful! We are playing catch up and wondering how you got the butterfly...

    the critters in the cottage xo
