Monday 28 October 2019

On a Mission

I had an emergency phone call
From our dear Furfriends 
Lady and Man are lost in Europe!!!!
Hailey and Zaphod have told me they've been seen in London
Could I go and see if I could find them

So I leapt on the first train.....

Are we there yet?????
Are we there yet?????
Are we there yet?????

Well, I'm VERY please to report,
I found Lady and Man 
What LOVELY and PAWSOME Peeps they are
We had a wonderful day wondering all around my London haunts

I was sad to say goodbye
Butt had to send them back to Canada
While I had a little chat with Hailey and Phod
Over a puppicino and English Breakfast tea

To hear all about Lady and Man's Adventures 
and what 
Hailey and Phod have been up to

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah 


  1. How fun you got to see your furriends and shake paws! We are just about to go visit them ...
    Happy Leah Day! Well, we suspect that's every day ...

  2. ha! only a princess can find lost peeps in london! so great that you found them and that you had such a fabulous time!!!

  3. Hey Princess,
    Grrrreat to hear from you! And what a helpful pup you are. Hailey and Zaphod will be so relieved that you managed to locate their 'gone missing somewhere in Europe' Lady and Man.
    Toodle pip!
    PS I thought about you when we passed through St Pancras on our way to Germany earlier this month, and I am very cross that Gail did not call you up to arrange a meeting!

  4. Great job, Princess Leah!

    Pinot xo

  5. You did a great job helping, Princess Leah. Nothing like royalty to get things done right.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Great job rescuing Lady and Man, Leah, and lucky you to be able to meet them in person!

  7. PHEW!! Thank goodness you found them!

  8. I am so jealous, I would love to meet them and to talke to Hailey and Phod and to meet you and see your LONDON...

  9. You are a wonderful friend to look out for your pals in their hour of need! Good job!

    Kiki and Rosie

  10. You sure did great tracking them down sweet Princess and I'm glad you had a wonderful visit!

  11. Dearest Royal Niece!! I 87% agree about Lady and Man they are so very very nice and such a fun pair. Thank goodness you and your Mum and Dad were able to find them and enjoy such a nice visit. Meeting bloggy friends is the best!! I'm heading over now.
    Hugs Aunty Cecilia

  12. Hari Om
    Woohhoooo, the Princess Guide... (see what I did there???). I nose these peeps pawsonally and I know what great folk they are so am furry furry glad indeed that you to to meet up with them!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. You are quite the traveling pup Princess Leah! I was curious, so I clicked on the link to your friends post - those are some handsome doggies!

  14. Well done Leah you are such a clever little Princess and so cute. x

  15. We are so happy you were there--on the spot quickly to help Lady and Man! We dogs worry when the peeps go out without their walking strings and our snoopervision.

  16. Hailey and Zaphod are lucky you were able to find their lost people. How fun that you got to show them around London too.

  17. How amazing that you got to meet Haley and Phod's peeps. (My ghostwriter hasn't been to London in many years, and wishes she could go there again sometime.) I bet you were the perfect hostess and showed them all the best sights!
    Love, your faithful Chester

  18. We didn't know you do tracking Peincess Leah. Great job. Xox Lucy and Xena

  19. Whew!! Hailey and Phod's peeps were so lucky to have you to point them in the right direction!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  20. We were so happy to meet you. It was a highlight of our trip.
