Friday 27 October 2017

Furstealing Friday

Why, you may wonder, 
am I checking out my 
pawsome collection of jumpers?

And I do nose what a lucky Princess I am...
ALL of these have been given to me 
They've been knitted just fur me by Peeps 
(and not my Peeps I might add)
with their own PAWS!!!!

Meanwhile, back at my problem.....
Notice anythingy missing?

Need a closer look?

Like my Princess Slippers....

Oh yes my mad, crazy Peeps sent me to the furstealers,

I need my furs!!!

WHAT were they finking???


Are all Peeps as daft as mine???

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah


  1. Hari OM
    ye-gods, that is tantamount to torture...but at least it gives an excuse to rummage through that very fine wardrobe! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Oh No Leah. Not the furs gone. You do look good. Out peep is not only daft but old too. Anyway, you have a fantastic day.

  3. Princess Leah what beautiful jumpers you have BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
    my friend we all know a tiara and the slippers complete the outfit. I must send you some extra furs (I have plenty).
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Just keep saying....It will grow back, it will grow back, it will grow back, and before you know it, fuzzy feet once again!

  5. Gail is just as daft, I can assure you.
    But at least you have a grrrrreat selection of jumpers.
    Toodle pip!

  6. It's a good thing you have all those jumpers to keep you warm after that visit to the fur stealer. Hopefully some of that fur will grow back before it's too cold.

  7. Oh boy, those jumpers look warm, snuggly and very fashionable. YOu need to do a fashion show.

  8. Thank goodness you have all of those pretty sweaters, Leah. You will be needing them in the colder weather with less furs!

  9. Our peeps are...Jakey and I just got our furs stolen too! Crazy peeps!

  10. We noticed straight away that your slippers were missing. Next, they'll have some peeps knit you some booties because your paws are cold....HUMANS!

  11. THEY sent you away to have your Lovely SLIPPERS STOLEN??? JUST when you NEED them the MOSTEST? OMD OMD this is the stuffs that NIGHT SQUIRRELS are made of. We will be Terrified to close our eyes tonight...
    We are SOOOOOO sorry that your Slippers were Stolen.

  12. those pretty jumpers are going to be put to good use now, Leah. Your furs may have been stolen, but you are still left looking beautiful. Now those pretty little princess slippers might be needing a warm pair of puppy Uggs:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Leah, the thing is, most peeps don't think . . . EVER!! So expecting them to understand the changing seasons, is expecting a lot from them!! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Its a good thing you have so may sweaters now that you have no furs...

  15. You need some bunny slippers to wear till your princess slippers grow back
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Oh yes gurl, my Ma is nuttier than a Snickers bar! And, yes, Ma steals my furs in the Winter too! I try and tells her I needs them, butts she says we lives in CA, and it don't gets cold enough for a 'winter coat'. pffffffffft! I say! I thinks there ought to be a law or somethings!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: you do look FABulous though....shhhhh, don't tells your peeps I said that....☺

  17. They took your fur?? For what? Will they knit you a sweater with it, like they with sheep's wool? Two-leggers are soooooo silly!

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  18. I have an appointment with my groomer Miss Jacquie next Monday. Ghostwriter says I look like a ragamuffin right now. You might say I need that fur for winter. But actually if I go out in snow with long fur, I get covered with snowballs. Better to keep it short.

    You look fabulous even without the royal slippers! I'm sure those lovely and fashionable jumpers will keep you warm if your have to go out in the cold.

  19. Pierre has to go to the fur stealer soon. Our wonderful groomer moved and now we are scared to go get a new haircut. He might need a sweater too.

  20. Why do peeps feel the need to steal our fur? In the wild we would keep it. But have you noticed they spend a lot of time removing their own fur? What is with the dislike of fur? Lady says she is brushing us every day as she is tired of our fur on the floor. We think it adds to the decor!

  21. Glad u survived the fur stealers! Happy early Howloween

  22. hello princess leah its dennis the vizsla dog hay peepul just luv to send dogs to the fur steelers!!! wel i meen not me on akkownt of i bayrly hav enny furs to beegin with but trixie went to them and i see yoo do too!!! their must be a big unnergrownd trayd in dog hair maybe they yooze it to mayk wigs!!! ok bye

  23. Oh noooesssss!!! All your beautiful furs are gone!!! Why did your pawrents do that! At least you gots all those beautiful jumpers to wear now!

  24. Oh, I can so totally relate! Here I am, trying to grow my belly furs back, not to mention all the areas where they shaved my legs, and Mom trimmed my snow shoes! My SNOW SHOES! And it's SNOWING TODAY! What on Earth was she thinking?!?!
    PS: She did Maggie's too, so at least all three of us are in good company!

  25. OMPUG Leah,
    You pawsitively nekkid!!! How could they?
    Love Noodles

  26. You have a nice collection of sweaters, and we guess you are going to need them as they stole your furs!!!

  27. You are a real princess :-)))
    Kisses and hugs from your Casper
