Wednesday 7 December 2016

Thursday Trials and Tribulations

Oh Deer….

Yep, its happened to me

So I ate the TREAT!!!

And took my REVENGE!!!!

Wow, those Antlers are TASTY

Pees Tomorrow I will tell you who sent me the Antlers…..

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah 


  1. Looks like that was a two-person photo. One to hold you down and the other to hold the treat! BOL! Princesses should never be treated like that...

  2. Oh deer, deer deer, Princess ..... not you too!! Definitely no way to treat a Princess ... hahahaha ..... did you get that??? No way to TREAT a Princess. Am I funny or what?? You do look pretty cute in those ears though.

  3. Oh no not the antlers. Glad you got some treats for wearing the new costume. All of us cats know just how you feel. We have to wear all kinds of strange things.

  4. Sometimes you just have to put up with the humans silliness to get the treats!

  5. That is the weerdest princess crown efur.
    Rong, jus' way rong.

  6. I would keep the ears... 4 ears hear more thn two... specially when your humans open treat bags :o)

  7. Princess Leah...darling if you had wanted your ears to resemble antlers you would have used some 'moose'(misspelling intentional sorry mom has had way too much coffee)!
    Just sayin'
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  8. Well, they could at least have made it into a crown!

    Mara from Norway

  9. chomp on those antlers. I have seen antlers to chew on in the dog chew aisle..

  10. Siiiiiigh. Why why WHY do peeps insist on sticking stuffs on our heads for the howlidays? Don't they know Santa Paws is watching them too???

  11. Why do the humans make us wear squeaky toys on our heads?

    Oh, when I was at the vet yesterday getting my fur cut from Miss Jacquie, we met a cute little cav who looked just like you. Sorry no picture. Don't worry, his name was Charlie!

  12. We hate to see those antlers coming out of the drawer. The only good part is all of the treats that come our way!

  13. OK, we hope that is over for the year. You should be wearing a crown!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Well you look very cute in those antlers Leah!
    We got Cricket some but her head was too skinny and they wouldn't stay on, so that is her revenge :)
    Elliot and Cricket x

  15. OH D E E R... Dear Leah... OH DEER indeed. We can NOT believe they would do that to ROYALTY.
    Glad that you got TREATS and TOOK REVENGE...
    Can't WAIT to hear WHO sent THOSE to you. Antlers are GRRRRREAT to Gnaw... butt NOT fur wearing on our heads. RIGHT?

  16. We do not tolerate things on our heads very well. It would require lots and lots of treats!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. You look so festive! How do antlers taste??

  18. If you HAVE to wear those antlers, you HAVE to get a treat. We think our day with the antlers and the hats is coming soon.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. Good thing you got that treat before you ate the antlers. We hope you turned them to shreds.

  20. You look ADORABLE! Mom has a photo of me in antlers that is old that she might put up next week!! DakotasDen

  21. Oh my...we guess it was inevidable...and you do look pretty darn cute!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  22. Oh, my word!!! You really made our mom laugh, Princess Leah!

    I sure hope she doesn't find any of those in our size.


    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
