Sunday 11 September 2016

The Big Smoke

Here I am waiting for the train to take me to London to meet 

Its quite comfy on the train…..

And look at the view out of the window
 the world is just flashing by!!!

 Then on to the underground….
oh I luffs this…...

Ear Flappage Funs

This Princess just LUFFS travelling…..

And I have no idea why Mum moans about tube travel
'cos its FUNS!!!!!

But then the peeps did make me have a puppicino 
to calm me down….

I was getting VERY excited about meeting 

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah 


  1. Oh you got your own blogger meeting, how great is that? I never was in a train...or in a tube, but it looks that is an interesting place for a dog :o)

  2. This looks like a fun day out - hope you met up okay and had a great day.

  3. We think that looks like fun, too! But do you think the caffeine will calm you down? Love your flappy ears. Can't wait to hear all about the BIG meeting.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh my word your Travliness... I wuz just thinking at the weekend that we had not seen anything of you for a while - and there you were out and about and meeting and greeting... am glad to hear you got to meet another blogger. I know what fun that can be!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We are excited for you. Hope you have a great meeting!

  6. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY GIRLFRIEND OMCs/OMDs this diva has missed a so much...and lookie here you are in all your glory and looking a darlin' as ever. My peeps would love to travel on the Tube it looks like fun and what a special day!!
    huggles (snuggle and hug) to you my bfff

  7. Oh Princess Leah, that all looks like such fun. Sure hope you have a good time meeting Noodles's Mom. You sure had a good time on the way.

  8. travelling broadens the mind they say :)

  9. I have never seen a train traveling pup before and I must say you look adorable and VERY happy to be riding that train

  10. OMD Princess Leah, you really do love travels! Just look at all your smiles! I hope it was a great trip!

  11. We sure wish we could travel like you do on the train and in the tube. We hope you had lots of fun with Noodles' mom.

  12. Wow! The adventures you get to have being a princess! Woohoo!

  13. Oh Leah, you had a trip on the Tube. I am so jealous. (Gail less so, apparently.)
    Toodle pip!

  14. You are so brave Leah, mum is scared to death of those tube escalators, lol.
    Have a wonderful time meeting your friend.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  15. OMD, how exciting!! Momma says she loved the tube when she lived in London, but that's probably because we don't have anything like it in Texas so it was all novel.

  16. OMD..You got to travel in the tube??? How totally pawsome!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. Wow! You are very brave indeed! I get all scared even driving in the car. Ghostwriter thinks I'm going to need a tranq-dart next big trip! Ghostwriter went on a train and on the tube in London when our Auntie Linda and Uncle Dave lived the UK.

    I hope you have fun on your trip to see Noodle's Mommy. Be sure to check if the moon is out so we can have a little talk about the Blogville Halloween Party at Dory's place.

    Oh, and I'm still having fun playing with the tennis balls you sent me! (even though I did peel the covers off them already) Whenever ghostwriter gets home from work, I find one and prance around to show her that it's my favorite toy.

    Hugs and kisses from your faithful Chester.

  18. So cool you get to go on a train and meet that lady!! So cool
    Lily & Edward

  19. Lucky Princess that you get to ride on a train ~ here in the states we don't have many trains and what we do have dogs are a no no. That tube looks like it went down many stories almost to the center of the earth. Was it time travel?
    Meeting another blogger oh what fun!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  20. Oh Oh Oh!!!! So exciting that you get to meet Noodles mommy!!
    we can't wait to hear all about it
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Noodles two Mom's sound the best ladies. We are so happy to get to meet one of them!

    Abby Lab

  22. You must be a very brave princess, Leah, to ride all those big vehicles!!! But we bet it was a lot of fun to meet Noodle's Mum.

    You look so happy!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  23. If only all travelers were so happy! I bet you made lots of other travelers enjoy their journeys more Princess Leah.

  24. OMD, you look like me when I go somewheres!!!! Only I'm worse!!! AND bigger! Can you picture THAT??! BOL!!! Anyhu, looks exciting!!!! I can't waits to see what happens next!
    Ruby ♥

  25. How very exciting for you, Leah!
