Monday 29 February 2016

Evil Squirrel Cartel

I was out surveying my domain
 when I had this strange feeling
somethingy was WATCHING me

Yep, I thought so…….

The Evil Secret Squirrel Cartel
have crossed the Pond


PeeS Sorry I wasn't around much yesterday but I had intermutt problems, sumthingy to do with band widths...whats that all about...Brass Bands? Hair Bands? Rubber Bands? I haf no idea butt it snapped apparently!

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah 


  1. Omgosh. We have a squirrel gang here too! They drive Maddie and Belle crazy!!

  2. Oh no this is a truly terrifying situation!

  3. We have squirrels in our garden, too. But there will be the day when we'll have squirrel dumplings for dinner *grrrrrrrrr*
    Good hunting!

  4. Red John his at your place! Be warned he is pure evil. Hope the internet is working better today for you!

  5. On no, not the evil squirrel, Princess Leah. Give it a good chase. Hope the internets start behaving now for you.

  6. Leah...the word squirrel hurts my ears! I did not hear that you have squirrels in the U.K. !!! Girlfriend those things do not understand what 'out staying their welcome' means!
    MOL MOL MOL Band widths and all that other Geek squad jargon confuses me too.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. you just can't trust those squirrels they invade everywhere

  8. Hari Om
    EEEEkkkkkkk... one grey bandit surely means there's a whole gang somewhere close!!! As for the webble snapping its elastic... there were trubs this end too - maybe the 'extra day' hadn't been catered for!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. Perhaps the evil squirrel had stolen your internet yesterday Leah.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. squirrel squirrel squirrel!!!! call the kitties they can climb on trees :o) maybe they meant contra bands? I've heard that such things can disappear sometimes :o)

  11. such a pretty area! those bad squirrels

  12. Yipes! I'll be over as quick as I can! In the meantime, here's how to increase your chance of catching one of these miscreants: 1. Keep quiet. My biggest mistake was barking loudly at the first sighting. That gives him a head start. 2. Quietly stalk towards the door, and take a moment to carefully peek out to verify the perp's position. 3. Run as fast as you can after him. Chances are, he'll leap onto the nearest tree. No problem. Now you can bark as loudly and as long as you want at the bottom of the tree. This won't really help you catch the bugger, but it's great fun for us doggies, and embarrassing for the squirrel who's now stuck out on a limb like a big dummy. He'll think twice about entering your territory again. Good luck! Chester

  13. Internutt sounds like a good name for it. Glad you are back.

  14. Yep those band widths can come back and snap you in the bum hard ~ watch out!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Yikes, they are stalking us...
    Dip and Elliot x

  16. Our Kori girl has a love-hate relationship with squirrels. We thought she hated them, but once while we were taking a walk we happened upon a squirrel who had been killed by a car. The sad expression in Kori's face said it all! She kept looking back at the squirrel for about a 1/4 mile. So while she barks and carries on while they are spying from trees, we think it's actually just a game!

  17. your poor mum, while you battled squirrels she dealt with bandwidth problems. nothing worse than that, not even squirrel cartels

  18. Those tree rats are so annoying
    Lily & Edward

  19. AHHHHHHH...Get him, Leah!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. We betcha that Chester has already rid your yard of those evil PIA squirrels, Leah!

  21. Crikey Princess. Lucky you've got Chester to come to your rescue. He's an expert on those things, aye?

  22. WE have not seen any squirrels for a while, we see that Chester has got you covered
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  23. You are going to have to be on guard now, don't let those evil squirrels get any closer. AND, we think those squirrels have something to do with misbehaving bandwidths, too.

  24. Oh, no! Your lands have been invaded!!!

  25. Watch out for that cartel - they need to be eradicated!!! We have had wifi printer issues for the last two days, and Mom is about ready to explode:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  26. We bet it was that squirrel that messed with your intermutts.

  27. We agree with Millie and Walter. Your troubles are from tree rats. They simply CANNOT be trusted.

  28. OMD, gots a furry tail stalker!!!! I gots a roving band of them that stalk me through the hood. I gots the tail furs of one once....they are fast little buggers, butts the warm weather here means they are also FAT little buggers that move more slowly.....I have high hopes that one will make it to my mouth soon...keep you posted.....
    Ruby ♥

  29. We don't have squirrels here in New Zealand but we have 'ossums and rabbits which are just at bad for tormenting little maremma dogs.

  30. Those evil squirrels! I tries to chase them on our walks but Momma says that is bad manners ;)


  31. Ohhhh those evil squirrels! Hope you yelled at him!
