Friday 19 December 2014

The Haircut!

Don't panic, it was for Mum and Dad...I went to the hairdressers with them

Whoa, what's that behind me? 
It's Mum and Dad remember, not me!!!!

Who's this strange fella?
Just have a quick nibble of his tail

And a Puppichino, don't mind if I do!
I know why Mum comes here now

With Mince pies, oh yum!
And after the yum, yums.... 

Yep, there was tissue snaffling!
Aunty Mandy even gave me puppy treats to go home wiv!
Luffs you Aunty Mandy, I had a great time!


Yep, here's the before... 

Here's the after.....

They took me to MY fursnaffler AS WELL !

Don't they know its COLD out here ?

Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah 


  1. They fooled you, Leah - haircuts for the entire family! Everyone will be looking pressed and dressed for Santa. Stay warm!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Ohh Noo the fur stealers strike again, but you do look nice and sleek with your new 'do! Lover and licks from your cousin Frank xxxxx

  3. Oh n not the fur stealers! Mind you looking lovely PL, really lovely. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Oh my little princess, you look so pretty. I love your new haircut.
    I am used to have short hair always when it's summer.
    The christmas eve can come :-))))
    Kisses and hugs from your Casper

  5. It's a good thing a princess travels with her entourage. Ain't that whut it's called?

    Sorry bout that mean trick they pulled on yu. Yu look purdy tho.

  6. a girl needs her fluffy bippers to keep her toes warm

  7. They kind of tricked you, but you do look really lovely! Santa will appreciate that and bring you extra treats!!!

  8. Well, everybody has to look good for Christmas.

    Aroo to you,

  9. You look BEAUTIFUL, Leah...even if you prefer to have those long furs (as I do). I suspect I am in for a fur snaffling myself very soon. Sigh

  10. Leah I think that's a common girl thing. My momma removes all her furs first from her legs that she can begg for new boots. Hope Santa brings you warm boots you can wear in winter and eat in spring :o)
    Easy Rider

  11. Wow Leah! What a great haircut!!! I don't get haircuts as my fur stays perfectly short and coiffed all the time. Though I do leave a lot of fur memories around the house, on the coats, in the cabinets, and so on.
    Love Noodles

  12. Oh no! You're nice, warm slippers are gone! AND they tricked you. NO FAIR! You'd better get another puppoccino for that!

  13. I can send you sum glue Princess Leah, but I think it might be easier if yous put on a sweater. Luvs Your lovin auntie Freya Rose Blossom X

  14. We just love that you go so many places with your peeps! to bad for the trickery though.
    Mr Bailey & Hazel
    Pee es
    we are so glad you zip is finally healing up! Glad we could "help" your peeps.

  15. What did she go nutty with the scissors and cut your feet hairs!!
    Lily & Edward

  16. ERNIE took one look at your snaffled feets and went SCREAMING fur the door... He is terrified that mom will do it to HIS... WAIT.... SO AM I.... we love our furry slippers... WAIT FUR ME ERNIE...

    OMD we can't believe that your peeps stole your LOVELY Princess Slippers... Maybe a PRINCE will come along and put some New ones on you. THAT would be Good... wouldn't it?

  17. Oh no, what happened to your fur? Don't worry you still look adorable!

  18. Ohhhh Leah what a nice hair salon to serve snacks. My peeps had their furs cut yesterday too. Your little princess slippers look very neatly trimmed too. Now if you step in any of their food there won't be furs in the food
    hugs madi your bfff

  19. Oh no! They took your winter coat and your slippers too? That's not fair! Joey dog and I are quite shaggy right now. Mom calls us floppy-moppies. But we're nice and warm when we go outside into the cold weather.

  20. Crikey ..... you sure go all out for Christmas at your house, aye?? EVERYONE'S gotta get spruced up!!

  21. Santa will bring extra presents for tolerating that kind of thing!?

  22. Yikes, ya need your furs. It are cold!

  23. OMD...Family fur-stealing??? How cool!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  24. I guess you have to all get gussied up for your Christmas photos! You do look quite beautiful Sweetie :)

  25. Family fur-stealing before Christmas -- I just hope Santa makes up for it! --But I don't think he needs too, you are just as pretty as ever!! :-)
