Nanny and Grandpops are in London,
they think they are just meeting Mum fur a
Puppicino but I'm on my way to surprise them
Did you nose that the escalators are a really good source of snaffling materials?
Sorry to the lady wot had fluffy pom-poms on her bag....
they were too hard to resist!!!!!
I'm quite a seasoned traveller on the underground now
Is it just me that thinks these Puppicino dishes look like dog bowls?
Butts the coffee was just pawfect!

We had a quick pit stop at this great American Diner
They sure nose all about pancake stacks!!!!
Then it was back to St Pancreas Station
I luffs this place it's very dog friendly, I get lots of cuddles
and they ALWAYS offer me a bowl of water
(imagine their surprise when I ask fur puppicino!)
And the foodables are rather goods as well
(That's a little fishy in my dishy)
It was an exhausting butts great day
Nanny and Grandpops were thrilled with my surprise and
Luffed me showing them around London
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah